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Roi-de-rats or multiplicity understood as fatality.

 The King of Rats, from the German Rattenkonig, refers to the strange phenomenon -still not entirely understood- of rat tails becoming entangled. One theory suggests that this may occur when a large number of rats live in a very limited space, and due to blood and feces, their tails become intertwined, never to separate again, resulting in the rats' demise.

This king is a generator of power, subjugating other rats that are not part of the colony to provide them with food, for example. Multiplicity is a constant in our world, and the King of Rats is an exemplification of it. In a strict sense, it becomes a way of producing new forms of life and thought. However, in this case, multiplicity turns into death. In a certain sense, this structure can be understood as a multiplicity that becomes a tree, as while they are one and many, they exercise power vertically. The Rattenkönig represents, in this line, a destructive force.

 The destabilization of the normal state of affairs, the crowd and the filth, form the perfect cluster for the creation of cores of force that turn into a toxic multiplicity, an indisciplined form of fascism that, instead of organizing and reinforcing unity, centralizes efforts towards death. Like a sort of cognitive synergy that results in nothing but fatality. Multiplicity is a blessed curse, a strange attractor that, given its evident nature, acts in a way that destabilizes the entire organization of the socius, provoking a state of unpredictable chaos within itself, generating a complex and ever-changing dynamic system. This complexity can be seen either as something to take into account or avoid, or as a call for destabilization, for the defeat of the one and the multiple; to each become a king, declaring war on the organs, as was done on that 28th of November 1947. Never cease to do so.

Being is found in the filth and the King of Rats, an animal symbol, an anarchist king, is the best example of this. Here, beauty is wickedness, and its territory is putridity. Now it lies in one's hands whether to become part of the dirt and filth or to provoke storms against the dirty entrenchments of the King of Rats. It rules in the underworld, where the sun does not penetrate and darkness hangs over the stench of death; where time is governed by clocks. There, the being is found, one and many, immersed

 The King of Rats, from the German Rattenkonig, refers to the strange phenomenon -still not entirely understood- of rat tails becoming entangled. One theory suggests that this may occur when a large number of rats live in a very limited space, and due to blood and feces, their tails become intertwined, never to separate again, resulting in the rats' demise.
